Get insights on your Play Framework application with Dropwizard Metrics

- 4 mins
scala play framework dropwizard metrics metrics monitoring


At some point of the application development, all of us are reaching the point, when we need more insights into what is happening inside our applications or need monitoring of the application. In case of the Play Framework there is already a drop in solution provided by a great open source tool Kamon and it’s module kamon-play.

But today we are going to talk about an alternative solution, Drowizard Metrics formerly known as Codahale Metrics, and its integration and usage with Play Framework.


Well, at this point I started to look around wondering if there are any libraries that could provide integration of these two.

I found multiple libraries, but not complete though. For example:

Unfortunately metrics-play module has a very basic support of the environment Dropwizard Metrics provides. It should be enough if you just need basic metrics which are exposed through REST api, but I had higher requirements and ended up extending the functionality of the module and building following modules:

That’s what we are going to talk about next.

Metrics reporter integration with Play Framework

Metrics provides a powerful toolkit of ways to measure the behavior of critical components in your production environment.

As well as expose measured data through reporters, that’s a great way of pushing the stats from your application to preferred storage backend.

At the time of writing the article, the supported reporters are:

But Metrics library and community also provide various reporters like Ganglia Reporter, CSV Reporter, InfluxDB Reporter, ElasticSearch Reporter and other.

Adding factories for reporters is no-brainer.

Metrics Annotations Support for Play Framework through Guice AOP.

By default to create and track metrics, we should invoke metric registry, create metrics and so on. Let’s take a look:

To keep it DRY there are annotations that you can use, the module will create and appropriately invoke a Timer for @Timed, a Meter for @Metered, a Counter for @Counted, and a Gauge for @Gauge. @ExceptionMetered is also supported, this creates a Meter that measures how often a method throws exceptions.

The above example can be rewritten like:

or you can even annotate the class, to create metrics for all declared methods of it:

Of course this is supported only for the classes that are instantiated through Guice and there are certain limitations.

Example application

Lets finally try to use these libraries and see how it all works in a real application. The example project is hiding in the GitHub Repo.

I’m using the activator play-scala template with sbt plugin. We should add JCenter resolver and dependencies, in the end it will look something like:

For the example I’ll be using the Console reporter, so let’s add the configuration to our application.conf.

As you can see I disabled jvm and logback metrics, and added the reporter that will periodically report metrics to stdout every 10 seconds.

And we already can start using annotations. I’ll annotate the index action of HomeController:

In real application you don’t have to use all annotations at once, as @Timed will already create Counter and Meter metrics.

After we start the app and access the Main Page, it will output metrics to stdout as:

And of course you still can access the metrics through REST api, by adding route configuration to your routes file:

What is next?

Health Checks

Metrics also provides you a way to perform application health checks(a small self-tests) and this can be a great addition. For more information check the docs.

More reporters

To build a proper environment there should be more ways to report the metrics. This can be a good way to go as well.

Better Future support

Currently if you want to measure the execution time of the Future it should be done manually. This can be a good improvement.

Hdrhistogram support

Hdrhistogram provides alternative high quality reservoir implementations which can be used in histograms and timers.

Timur Khamrakulov

Timur Khamrakulov

Leader and Data-driven generalist, interested in Distributed Systems, Big Data and Augmented Reality

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